Performance management

Capability refers to an employee's skills, ability, aptitude and knowledge in relation to the job that they employed to do. Lack of capability will in most cases lead to unsatisfactory job performance, which is likely to cause problems both for th...


Mediation is an effective way of solving conflict in the workplace and can often be a less stressful way of resolving issues than following formal company procedure. Mediation is entirely voluntary and both parties should come to the process look...

Settlement agreements

Settlement agreements were previously referred to as compromise agreements.  Settlement agreements and are a legal document between an employee and an employer which outlines the terms to which they agree to sever the employment contract and...


The key purpose of an investigation is to discover all the relevant facts and information in a fair, reasonable and objective manner. If a manager is confronted with a situation that needs to be actioned, but fails to carry out a proper investiga...


An Appraisal scheme is designed to provide a systematic framework for regular discussion about work performance, agreeing objectives for the months ahead and identifying any training required by the employee to enable them to meet their own and th...

Employment contract

An employment contract is an agreement entered into between an employer and an employee at the commencement of the period of employment and stating the exact nature of their business relationship, specifically what compensation the employee will r...