Employee benefits

Employers use benefits to attract, retain and provide incentives for employees. Commonly they are provided as part of an overall strategy designed to achieve defined business objectives. Such benefits take many forms, offering both financial and n...

Employee relations

The CIPD’s recent report, Managing employee relations in difficult times, concluded that dealing with the trade union relationship remains an issue in many workplaces but is not widely seen as problematic. Trade union influence is still an e...

Equality and diversity

Equality and diversity are not the same thing, although the terms are often used interchangeably. Equality is about treating people with equal respect, and opportunity, to allow people with different backgrounds to operate on a level playing field...

First aid

The aim of first aid is to preserve life and to reduce the effects of injury or illness suffered at work. Employers should assess the first aid requirements within their workplace, appoint competent personnel, and provide equipment and facilities ...

Flexible working

Since 6 April 2003, employers in the UK have been under a legal obligation to consider applications for flexible working. Parents of young children have the right to submit a request to allow them to work ‘flexibly’, by changing hours,...

Holidays and leave

The Working Time Regulations 1998 came into force in the UK in 1998 and implemented the European Working Time Directive. Holiday entitlement has progressively increased over the years and since April 2009 it has been 5.6 weeks (28 days) for full-...