Electricity and electrical equipment

Electricity kills and injures people. In the UK, around 1,000 electrical accidents at work are reported to the HSE each year and about 25 people die of their injuries. A few milliamps (one-thousandth of one amp) is sufficient to cause serious inju...

Emergency procedures

Employers must establish appropriate procedures to be followed in the event of serious and imminent danger to persons at work. This includes the duty of employers or controllers of premises to ensure that any necessary contacts are arranged with e...

Employee benefits

Employers use benefits to attract, retain and provide incentives for employees. Commonly they are provided as part of an overall strategy designed to achieve defined business objectives. Such benefits take many forms, offering both financial and n...

Employee relations

The CIPD’s recent report, Managing employee relations in difficult times, concluded that dealing with the trade union relationship remains an issue in many workplaces but is not widely seen as problematic. Trade union influence is still an e...

Employment contract

An employment contract is an agreement entered into between an employer and an employee at the commencement of the period of employment and stating the exact nature of their business relationship, specifically what compensation the employee will r...

Employment tribunals

Employment Tribunals are an independent judicial body which look to resolve disputes between employers and employees regarding employment rights.  Employment Tribunals also have powers to hear claims from potential employees where discriminat...