Manual handling

Manual handling has been defined as ‘any handling task involving the human body as the power source’. It therefore includes lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying and holding. The most common injuries that occur as a result of m...

Maternity Leave

Irrespective of length of service or hours worked, employees are entitled to 26 weeks’ Ordinary Maternity leave and up to 26 weeks’ Additional Maternity Leave, making a total of 52 weeks.  Employees also have the right to return t...


Mediation is an effective way of solving conflict in the workplace and can often be a less stressful way of resolving issues than following formal company procedure. Mediation is entirely voluntary and both parties should come to the process look...

Medical records

Employers may wish to access and use information on workers’ medical conditions, for example, where an employee is off on long-term sickness absence, where there is a need to use pre-employment medical questionnaires, or where they wish to c...

Mental health

Around three in every ten employees will experience stress, depression or some other form of mental health issue in any one year. Stress is cited as the biggest cause of long-term sickness absence among non-manual employees, with mental ill health...

Migrant workers

It is a criminal offence to employ someone who does not have permission to live and work in the UK. Employers may offer employment to Commonwealth Citizens and Foreign Nationals without a permanent right of residence (‘indefinite leave to en...