AWOL or employees who are Absent Without Leave is a conduct issue and should be dealt with following your Company’s disciplinary procedure. AWOL issues often arise when an employee does not arrive as expected for work and remains out of con...

Garden leave

Garden Leave can be used by employers when an employee has tendered their resignation at work and the employer wants to remove them from the work place. An employer may choose to do this to protect company information or sales data when an employ...

Employment tribunals

Employment Tribunals are an independent judicial body which look to resolve disputes between employers and employees regarding employment rights.  Employment Tribunals also have powers to hear claims from potential employees where discriminat...

Employment contract

An employment contract is an agreement entered into between an employer and an employee at the commencement of the period of employment and stating the exact nature of their business relationship, specifically what compensation the employee will r...


Volunteers who work within your organisation are not employees or workers and therefore have limited protection under employment law. Volunteers are provided with protection and under Health and Safety legislation and discrimination as outlined i...

Long Term Sick

The management of long term sickness normally requires a more sensitive approach.  Every case will be different and a number of factors need to be weighed up before coming to a decision on how to proceed. These include: The length of the e...