Job analysis

Job analysis is the process of analysing the content, purpose and outputs required by a job holder, as well as where the job fits into the organisation’s structure. The analysis should form the basis of a job description and person specifica...

Lay offs

An employer has the right to lay off an employee without pay in circumstances when there is no work for the employee to do or where there is a particular situation which requires a lay-off such as the need to close the premises for a refurbishment...

Fit notes

Employees are required to obtain a Statement of Fitness for Work (or Fit Note) covering the period from at least the eighth day of illness, inclusive of weekends and bank holidays. The fit note will advise if an employee is unfit for work or, alt...


Probation periods are often used by companies to assess a new employee’s suitability for the new role.  Probation periods vary depending on the company and the type of role that is being filled, it is normal to have a 3 or 6 month proba...

Right to work checks

Under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, all employers are required to make basic document checks on every person they intend to employ to ensure that they have the right to work in the UK. As an employer you are responsible for en...

Garden leave

Garden Leave can be used by employers when an employee has tendered their resignation at work and the employer wants to remove them from the work place. An employer may choose to do this to protect company information or sales data when an employ...