Job analysis

Job analysis is the process of analysing the content, purpose and outputs required by a job holder, as well as where the job fits into the organisation’s structure. The analysis should form the basis of a job description and person specifica...


Mediation is an effective way of solving conflict in the workplace and can often be a less stressful way of resolving issues than following formal company procedure. Mediation is entirely voluntary and both parties should come to the process look...

Lay offs

An employer has the right to lay off an employee without pay in circumstances when there is no work for the employee to do or where there is a particular situation which requires a lay-off such as the need to close the premises for a refurbishment...


What is Secondment? Put simply, a secondment is the temporary loan of an employee. This covers a number of possible scenarios: Intra-company secondment: This is where an employee is asked to work in a different department for a set period...

Right to search

In some companies there will a requirement to conduct a search of employees.  This process would normally form part of the employment contract and by signing the contract employees accept the stop and search requirements within a company. Co...

Settlement agreements

Settlement agreements were previously referred to as compromise agreements.  Settlement agreements and are a legal document between an employee and an employer which outlines the terms to which they agree to sever the employment contract and...